A free original screen animation

The main screen of LQprofil shows some figures executed by the
famous john "Nono" JEGOU's Morane (french model championship winner).

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the screen capture of this animation.

Image3 (35K)
Click on the thumbmnail to enlarge the sceen capture of an LQANIM

Create your own air meeting of your scaled models !

LQANIM creates a virtual air show with your own model pictures. The animation is like LQprofil one, with much more capabilities : take off, landing,  loopings, flight, parachute jump, etc.. The screen saver version is planned for August 2000.

Just send to us 2 digitalized pictures of your favorite scaled model.

LQANIM can be obtained by the way of E-Mail with attaceh zipped pictures, or a 1,44 Mo floppy disk. The 2 digitalized pictures recommanded format is .JPG (.JPEG) and they must be like LQAnim ones (stop the animation and look at the 2 largest pictures).

Delphi* users may receive, on special request, the sprites animation engine (unit source code + help file + 8 source code projects samples). Still coded in Dephi, the smoothing algorithm of LQprofil is also available. The use of Bezier curves with an adjustable smoothing factor allows for example to transform a sqare into a circle (source code + a sample project).

*Borland-Inprise product

Links :

Scaled Models : André LERESTEUX andre.lersteux@wanadoo.fr

Programming : Jean-Yves QUEINEC j.y.q@wanadoo.fr