17 jan 2016 - V1.0 Copyright Alain Le Gallou
Obtenir tous les noms de fichier d'un dossier
Pour les sous-dossiers voir l'option récursive dans la pile "File Lister.rev"
Ne liste pas les applications, ni les folders
on mouseUp
put the defaultFolder into intitialDefaultFolder -- save
answer folder "Select folder name via the Finder"
if the result is "cancel" then exit mouseUp
else put it into theFolderPath --> /Users/alg/Desktop/aWorking
set the defaultFolder to theFolderPath
put the files into listFileName -- All fileName
-- Suppression des fichiers systèmes (.DS_Store, etc)
repeat with i = the number of lines of listFileName down to 1
if the first char of line i of listFileName is "."
then delete line i of listFileName
end repeat
put listFileName into msg
set the clipboardData ["text"] to listFileName
set the defaultFolder to intitialDefaultFolder -- Restore
end mouseUp